How to Ask Your Boss for a Pay Rise? (And Actually Get One!)
Asking for a pay rise doesn’t come naturally to many people. It’s daunting to say the least, but what if we were to tell you that the awkward conversation doesn’t have to be so awkward.
Yes, it’s a nerve-wracking process but nothing that a lot of thought and preparation can’t fix. We’ve put together five tips to give you a push in the right direction.
Choose your Timing
As cliché as it sounds timing is everything. It may seem like no time is the right time to ask your boss for a pay rise but you can choose your timing wisely. Monday mornings are usually a no go due to the backlog of work from the weekend and nobody wants to negotiate pay at the end of the day on Friday. Performance reviews are the perfect opportunity to talk about salary, but you don’t have to wait until then to talk to your boss. If your boss is having the day from hell or has a calendar full of meetings then it’s probably best to put your conversation on hold for a more appropriate time. If you’re struggling to find the right time to pull your boss aside book a meeting in their calendar, that way you know how much time you have to discuss your proposal and your boss will know to dedicate that time to you.
Do Your Research
Now that you have your meeting booked it’s time to do your research. Don’t go in there all guns blazing, make sure you know what you’re talking about before approaching your boss. Find out what salaries other people working in your field are earning and compare it to your own. By doing your research and finding out what it is that you think you should be paid you can go into the meeting knowing what your figures are, showing them that you’re informed about what it is that you want.
Set yourself goals that you want to achieve going forward and discuss how you would like your role to evolve.
Ease into the Conversation
Every manager values loyalty. Start the conversation on a positive note and explain how much you like working for the company. Show your boss that you’re invested in the business by talking about your future with them. Set yourself goals that you want to achieve going forward and discuss how you would like your role to evolve.
Focus on Why You Deserve it (Not Why You Need it)
We all have reasons for wanting a pay rise but try not to make your reasons personal. Keep them professional, focus on why you think you deserve a pay rise rather than why you need it. Your rent increasing or having to pay off your holiday to Hawaii isn’t going to hold up well but discussing your performance and the impact you think it’s had on the company will do. Make a list of all your accomplishments and explain how they have benefited the business by showing measurable results.
Be Prepared to Hear No
Although this may be disheartening at first, don’t be discouraged by a no. Remember, no doesn’t mean never. Ask plenty of questions and make sure they fully explain why the answer is no right now, this will help you to progress in the future. Find out what you could do to get a pay rise further down the line, whether that be running your own projects or training other team members, take some initiative and set yourself goals to work towards. Show enthusiasm and ask for things such as development opportunities, that way your boss will know just how serious you are about your progression within the company.
Preparation is your best friend when you ask for a pay rise. It’s not the easiest conversation to have, so pick the right time, prepare what you’re going to say and do your research. Go into the meeting with a clear idea of what you want to be paid and a list of your achievements with measurable results. Before deciding anything It’s important to take the time to go away and really think about your answer, don’t just accept there and then. All of this makes the process easier for yourself. Remember, you won’t know until you ask. So, good luck!