Launched in 2023, Tau Mai is a te ao Māori recruitment consultancy. Our deep understanding of te ao Māori enables us to communicate with familiarity and interact with authenticity to find talent who are the right fit for your organisation.
We stay true to our kaupapa as a Māori-led agency, maintaining our shared cultural integrity. We are led by your tikanga to go on a journey through te ao Māori to recruit and support Māori talent, that is mana-enhancing for all parties.
We have and make connections through whakapapa, our networks and the quality of our mahi/work. Our cultural competency and experience in the recruitment business allows us to effectively build respectful and trusted connections with Māori jobseekers.
In partnership with Tribe Recruitment Group, we leverage technology offering a breadth of services to ensure a thorough and well supported search to bring Māori talent to you.
We work with Iwi, Public, Private and NGO organisations across the Motu.
Nau mai. Tau Mai!